New: Bickford Senior Living reduces incident rates and early move-outs with August Health Learn More
“I’ve not seen tools this user-friendly and insightful. You aren’t just handed a bunch of clunky reports. It’s always up-to-date, actionable information that previously took days or months to bring together.”
Designed by senior living leaders and data scientists, August Health Insights provides advanced intelligence that lets you operate superior communities.
Get real-time visibility into resident acuity, incidents, and occupancy for every building across your portfolio.
Track your portfolio with a building-by-building census that details every move-in and move-out.
Analyze acuity to surface overdue assessments so you can staff communities effectively.
Reduce incidents by finding trends with advanced filtering by type, time of day, shift, and more.
First-of-its-kind predictive intelligence that identifies and tracks rising risk residents across your communities.